Andrea Cini

PhD student @ IDSIA , Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)



Hi! I’m a PhD student at the Graph Machine Learning Group, within the Swiss AI lab IDSIA, at USI, under the supervision of Prof. Cesare Alippi. I have been a visiting researcher at Imperial College London with Prof. Danilo Mandic . Previously, I worked as an R&D machine learning engineer at Argotec. I got my MSc and BSc in Computer Science and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. You can have a look at my CV.


Currently, my research focuses on graph deep learning for time series forecasting. I am also broadly interested in the use of machine learning methods to accelerate both scientific discovery and engineering. You can find an updated list of my publications here.


Oct 10, 2023 New paper putting together what we’ve learned on graph deep learning for time series forecasting!
Sep 24, 2023 New paper accepted at NeurIPS 2023, see you back in NOLA!
Aug 4, 2023 Our paper on graph learning has been accepted for publication in JMLR!
Jun 8, 2023 I will be giving a tutorial on graph-based time series processing at ECML PKDD 2023, see you in Turin!
Mar 9, 2023 I will be spending 6 months in Prof. Danilo Mandic’s lab at Imperial College London!